mY mYsTeRiOuS SeLF

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Please Help Me!

I was having an overnight at the student publication office when an idea entered my brain to browse the website of the discovery channel. What the heck entered my brain? I clicked and clicked and clicked and clicked until I encountered a link “Your Spirit World Stories”. I found it interesting… It is a forum about paranormal experiences or spiritual experiences. I tried to scan some interesting topics until my interest was caught by the subject “please help me!” by luvable_courtney. I was able to notice it right away because of its high ratings.

Please help me” is a forum of a girl named Courtney who is asking for help. She claimed that she was disturbed by demons in her house and so on... It sounds weird but that was she wrote in her post.

If you have time, try to read some of the stories there. Maybe some are true or maybe some are just made-up... I dunno!.. Some stories there are amazingly scary... It is very interesting though... Hehehe!


EJ said...

following your blog!

hope u can visit me sometimes

mayumi said...


kcatwoman said...

wow that's creeeepy..


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